Friends of Gorwelion

Friends of Gorwelion (male and female) promote, support, fund raise and care about Gorwelion. We organise a variety of events mostly held in Gorwelion and have a fun time assisting with activities for girl events.
The house and sites belong to Central Glamorgan County and we are very fortunate to have such a resource. Both offer a world of exciting opportunities for all ages to experience and enjoy!!
Why don’t you join ‘Friends’ and be part of the great Gorwelion adventure? You can join as an individual or take up a unit membership
Help spread the Gorwelion word! Help make a difference!
As a ‘Friend’ you will be updated with all Gorwelion news, events and opportunities!
Join ‘Friends’ help to promote, support and fundraise for Gorwelion but also share the fun, share the friendship- join Friends of Gorwelion today!